![]() WELCOME TO THE CHUCKTREVINO.COM VENTING! PAGE Hello, and welcome to the chucktrevino.com Venting Page! This is the second in a never-ending series of "return-fire" editorials through which I intend to vent my venomous rage and, in no uncertain fashion, my supreme and high-falutin' outrage, and also some of my most fragrant flatulence in the general direction of certain hidden-away imbeciles with money, scads and scads of gold and also paper money which we have allowed them to print up at their whim, which they enthusiastically do, unfortunately as frequently as they fart, thereby acquiring the power to pay their puppet-monkeys undeservedly high salaries to invisibly siphon off the savings and pollute the poignantly vulnerable and guillible minds of the people of Southern California, the United States of America, and apparently the entire world with their perpetually tasteless, embarrassingly low-class, palpably sick, and self-loathingly mean imbecilic antics. So there. Whew, that felt good! The only question now is, whom shall we start with this time around? In case you didn't toon in to my last venting page, we just delivered a sound ass-kicking to the much deserving people of KUSC, that fine Southern California institution that brings beautiful classical music to anyone unfortunate enough not to own their own collection of classical music, like Charles does; or anyone who, like Charles, likes to listen to a classical radio station in order to enjoy a wider variety of musical samplings. But this time around, a change of tactics (and victims) may be in order; it would appear that the august people who seem to run KUSC, and also the slightly more insane hyenas that really do control that fine radio station, have yet to learn their lesson; either that, or else they are absolute gluttons for punishment. ![]() ![]() So what are we supposed to do, remain completely diligent and never take a break? Well, actually... yes! But how do people go about effecting a positive, lasting change in the status quo so that they can diligently maintain it? The answer, I think, is to get our best minds alerted to the dangers which surround us via the mass media, the use of which, unfortunately, is off limits to most of us. However, a relatively new invention known as the world wide web is tipping the scales more in our favor; alas, even as I ramble on there are people out there trying to restrict freedom of expression on the internet too. Fortunately there are other people fighting those guys tooth and nail; we'll be talking about some of those people by and by. Now, what everybody needs to understand is that control of the media is a very important weapon in these jerks' arsenal; it is the means by which they can not only spread a false, ![]() Alright then; let's have a few more laughs at their expense while learning some useful things, shall we? Let me now introduce another KUSC employee disc jockey; a very cordial, jovial kind of guy named, tuh-dah! ALLEN CHAPMAN! Hooray! Actually, I'm kind of afraid to tackle this one, people, as he seems ![]() ![]() What did this Chapman guy say to offend me so? I don't actually have time to list all of the things this guy says, in that real nice-guy "I'm your best pal for life" kind of voice that has apparently earned him so many fans and followers (I've seen him on the PBS television station KCET [more on that divine little entity coming soon], and he also emcees a lot of events here in the southland of California); let's just focus on a few of his more recent statements. ![]() ![]() While we're talking about Felix, did you know that Mendelssohn was actually chided by his contemporaries for even delving into the subject of William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream? Yes, that is correct; according to Allen Chapman, who again made the statement without apology or any sort of comment as to its patent absurdity, Felix was criticized by his own people for wasting his time writing music about a frivolous work by such an inferior artist! In other words, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn was a much more important cultural figure than the lowly Shakespeare, who penned such lowly works as Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, and even (gasp) The Merchant of Venice, among others, if you can believe that! So who cares about that little calumny? If you answered "NOBODY, Charles, you big fat idiot!", you're right! Only it seems to me that there is something extremely fishy going on here... What are we supposed to infer from all this ado about nothing in particular, and what does this have to do with the fact that people can't even put up religious crosses on their own property without inviting retribution from unknown entities who can do things like getting tons of junk mail sent to aforesaid cross-putting-up people if they so desire, requiring them to tote it away in wheelbarrels every single day? ![]() Jim Shaveyduh! That's right folks, I am hereby bestowing the Chucktrevino.com "Jim Svejda" award, the highest obtainable honor anyone can attain, on Allen Your Bestest Pal For Life Chapman, who is apparently Jim Sveshvoiduh's second illegitimate son (his first being the incomparable Rich Caperella, an interesting little talking, wise-quacking puppet whom we'll certainly be referencing again... and again... and again... [that is, unless something extraordinary happens to make him shut the fuh cup, such as the collapse of the Fed, maybe? Naw, too exreme...]). Uh oh... now you've gone and got me thinking about Jim ShaNaNa (or whatever his name was) again, and that's not good... for Shaveyda. I really should stop talking about this guy, as it only makes his secret paymasters more and more furious, prompting them into giving this dunce-hole more stupid things to say, thus revealing who and what they are more and more with each passing gibe... which is exactly what I want them to do! So maybe we really should continue on here, hmmm? ![]() Oh yeah... I'm Charles, and I was talking about Jim Shaveyduh, and how he hates having to be politically correct. You see, according to Svejda, the term "politically correct" was actually invented by none other than the Russian monster-man Joseph Stalin, a man who was notorious for his hatred of people like... well, like Jim Svejda (I wonder why!)! Svejda then justified this politically correct statement by explaining that Stalin only stood 5 foot 4 inches tall; he followed that devastating insult by stating that Stalin's predecessor Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich) only stood 5 feet 5 inches tall; then for some inexplicable reason switched to Napoleon Bonaparte, who stood only five foot two inches, you understand; then following that by gushing over a certain Admiral Nelson (Horatio), who defeated Napoleon in the Battle of the Nile (Sjveda said this twice [(??] in the space of a few seconds, for some other hard-to-fathom reason); we assume, of course, that Horatio stood at or around the same height as Svejda, who towers at an imposing 6 foot 6 inches, thus making him a prime candidate for the NBA [heh-heh; just jokin' there, Jimmy boy]. Then he followed that a short while later by saying that the Saul Zaentz movie Amadeus was the funniest "true" film of all time! Are you getting sick of all this yet? Wait, there's more! ![]() It appears that Big Jimbo was actually alluding to another episode wherein Marie Antionette reportedly almost bankrupted the country of France by trying to make her doting husband Louis XVI buy her an enormously expensive jeweled necklace valued at 2,000,000 livres (approximately $14 million in 2015 USD; 2018 value? I shudder to even think about it). But what Jimbo so obediently neglected to mention was that that outrage turned out to be another fabrication which was obviously intended to dupe the already resentful hungry masses into despising the queen even more than they already did, inciting them to a murderous degree. According to slightly more creditable historians than the very knowledgeable Svejda, Marie refused to have anything to do with the purchase of the aforementioned multi-million dollar necklace; however, false charges such as those, combined with other absurd character-assassinating tactics, caused a huge decline in the Queen's popularity and fostered an image of her among the masses as a manipulative spendthrift who cared more about her vanity than the welfare of France and the French. Accusations such as those eventually led to the French Revolution, which included a one year period known to history as "The Reign of Terror" in which France and many other countries descended into a state of unbelievable insanity. The French Revolution and the ensuing Reign of Terror is a subject which we should actually pay a lot of attention to, as there is evidence (which has been understandably disputed and hidden away) that both were engineered by the SS/DG people, who are absolute experts at such manuveurs. What should be noted especially is that The Terror alone claimed the lives of an estimated 18,500 to 40,000 people. Approximately 17,000 people were guillotined, including high level persons like King Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette; this was after Marie was falsely and absurdly accused of having had sexual relations with at least one of her children, who was also imprisoned and abused and was reportedly intimidated into confirming this accusation. That unfortunate child died later while still in custody.
This absolutely senseless lust for blood carried throughout the land; execution by guillotine became the rage, but the guillotine proved incapable of killing all those who were seized; hence uncountable numbers of men, women, and children were shot down, drowned, or torn to pieces by howling mobs. Other mad happenings included such things as the execution of sixteen nuns, who went down in history by singing a religious song before being killed for treason. France fell into a horrifying state of turmoil and confusion. Europe was plunged into war, as aristocrats viewed the French revolution as a threat to European monarchs and established orders, fearing revolutionary ideas of equality, liberty and fraternity. This caused European powers to unite and fight France to prevent the spread of such ideas, seeing what had become of King Louis and how he was treated by the revolutionaries. Almost every nation in Europe went against the French revolutionaries; opposing parties fought each other in city and village, with the winners killing all their enemies; nobody got out alive. All of this madness led to the rise of none other than Svejda's 5'2" Napoleon Bonaparte who eventually got the country back under control, implementing numerous badly needed reforms including free ownership of land and other property. This allowed peasants to retain land acquired during the course of the French revolution and prevented the reemergence of feudalism through which the nobles and the clergy would have grabbed land from the peasants. Productivity of peasants was increased, thus reducing problems such as famine and starvation. Napoleon also created a system of education, founding the University of France with 17 branches distributed throughout France, bringing them under state control and ending the disagreement between church and state. Before Napoleon came to power, France had experienced chronic financial inflation crises; very interestingly, Napoleon stabilized the currency using the gold standard system, establishing the Bank of France in 1800 which gave loans and regulated the circulation of money in the economy. ![]() As a result of his restoring peace and stability, Napoleon created a more conducive atmosphere for agriculture. He increased government expenditure to boost production; he also drained swamps to increase cultivatable land and provided farmers and co-operative societies with modern farming methods, increasing production of food crops such as wheat, potatoes and beans, thus solving the problem of famine that was one of the principal reasons for the French revolution. This explains why his government was stronger and more efficient than those of the pre-revolutionary period. The Codes made by Napoleon became very popular and were adopted by many countries throughout Europe, Africa and America; However, Napoleon's quest for expansion resulted in his being portrayed by certain people today as evil incarnate, just like the notoriously vilified Adolph Hitler. Does any of this make sense to you, this grand scale bloodletting in order to create a climate suitable for criminally insane vultures in human form to take over and completely ruin a country, and their quite understandable desire to defame and destroy the people standing in the way of such an ignoble conquest, while showering rewards, usually in the form of money, fame and/or political appointments to the ignoble and reprehensible sell-outs who assist them and make such conquests possible, even fairly easy? ![]() But to get back to KUSC and Jim Sjevda, or have you had enough? No? Ok, then, here's a few more items of interest... on the evening of October 11, 2018, Sjevda graced us with something that sounded (more or less) like this: ![]() As I write these words, KUSC is once again in the midst of one of their nice pledge drives, asking for donations to keep their fine radio station going, which begs the pertinent question: why do they keep asking all and sundry for money, when it appears that they are trying to please a certain specific, um... "group" of people, such as... dare I say this... SS/DG's? And since they obviously are trying to please these nice people, shouldn't they be getting their money from them, instead of asking all of us for our harder-earned money? Wouldn't that make more sense, seeing as how the SS/DG's seem to be able to sh!t money out of thin air? What gives here? And just what compels me to dare make such an unspeakable query? In response to that, I might answer something like: hmmmm, it appears that Jim Svejda and his co-workers can't for their lives stop making ridiculous comments about people like conductor/composer Leonard Bernstein, comments such as the following: "We will be celebrating the 100th birthday of Leonard Bernstein, and hearing his great "Crossing Boundaries" program... for the entire next year! And also, in Europe they'll be celebrating his birthday for the next ___,______ years!" (that's not word for word folks, but you get the picture I hope.) Or how about: "By making a pledge of $______, you will get ___ CD's of the music of Leonard Bernstein, who is without a doubt THE greatest composer, conductor and musician of all time!" (I would beg to differ on that one.) Or try this one: "The lucky winner of these sweepstakes will receive 221 CD's and 36 DVD's of "The Best of Bernstein" which has the greatest emotional content the human race has ever known!" (Again, not verbatim, but extremely close.) Actually this talking dancing bear has said even more ridiculous things than that, but I didn't write it down and now I forget. However, when Svejda is not incessantly saying absurdly untrue things about Bernstein (I highly suspect that the late Leonard would be embarrassed to hear his name being bandied about by the likes of people like Big Tall Jimbo), he or somebody else at KUSC is trying to make an all-time superstar out of luminaries such as John Williams (the mediocre American composer, not the excellent classical guitarist [who is surely very proud to share a name with this highly esteemed guy]). ![]() While we're talking about the wonderfully diverse and exciting music of John Williams, please note that this guy also writes scores for such truthful and creditable news mediums like NBC Nightly News! Not to mention the great Star Wars-sounding music he wrote for events such as The Atlanta Olympic Games...gosh shucks people, all I know is this: John William's Star Wars-sounding music beats all, and I'm not being facetious in the least when I say that. In fact that probably explains why KUSC's disc jockeys keep saying things like "American Icon, John Williams!", or "America's most prominent living composer, John Williams!" or else "the best living composer there is, John Williams!" Let's hear it for John Williams and his Star Wars music, hip hip hooray!! Well I don't know about you guys, but I've had enough of this tomfoolery... for now, that is. On my next installment of this venting page (part 3), I shall deal a sound thrashing to some of the jokes that pass for rock and roll radio stations today, stations such as... oh no you don't! You shan't get that out of me until the time is ripe for such an epic event. Dude, I got enough troubles as it is without incurring the wrath of millions of musical dumbshitz prematurely. People, I need a break from all this... And so I say, once again... au revoir! Fare thee well! Keep your top notch on! And always listen to KUSC, the home of... um, what's his face. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED ABOVE ARE GIVEN IN RESPONSE TO CERTAIN FALSE CLAIMS, ACCUSATIONS AND OTHER OVERT HOSTILITIES, AND ARE NOT MEANT TO INCITE ANYONE TO INSANE ACTS OF MURDER OR MAYHEM, ASSAULT AND BATTERY, OR EVEN PETTY BOORISH MEANNESS. ACTS OF VIOLENCE OR ABJECT CRUELTY WILL NOT ACHIEVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN HURT INNOCENT PEOPLE AND WILL MAKE MATTERS MUCH, MUCH WORSE. BY HURTING INNOCENT PEOPLE WE ARE ONLY PLAYING INTO THE HANDS OF THE SATANIC FORCES WHO WILL USE SUCH ACTS TO THEIR ADVANTAGE, CONFUSING THE ISSUES EVEN MORE WHILE DIVIDING US INTO OPPOSING FACTIONS INCAPABLE OF DEALING WITH THE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS PROBLEMS THAT THREATEN ALL OF US (NOT TO MENTION MAKING THE WORLD A MUCH SH!TTIER PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE - WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT). Click Here To Go Back To Index All text Copyright 2018 by Charles Adrian Trevino. This venting page was produced under extreme constraints and I really didn't have a lot of time to think about who I was castigating, so to any and all of the powerful people whom I've offended, I say this: "I sorry!" You'll see me around... but not if I see you first. This is chucktrevino.com. |